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  1. Best Poster Award @LDM2022 by ACS Nanoscience Au: Low Dimensional Materials Conference at IISER Pune, held on 19-20th May 2022.

  2. Best Poster Award @ChemSci2021: Leaders in the field symposium. Materials Chemistry #MatChem, held on 13-15th Dec 2021.

  3. Recipient of Prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF), Jan, 2020 - till date.

  4. Cleared Joint CSIR-UGC NET (All India Rank 18).

  5. Recipient of Integrated PhD scholarship from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, MHRD (August 2017 to July 2019).

  6. Qualified GATE, 2019 (AIR 2007).

  7. Cleared Joint Admission for M.Sc. (IIT-JAM), 2017 (AIR 289).

  8. Gold Medal for 1st class 1st position in B.Sc. Chemistry, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal.

  9. Recipient of DST-INSPIRE Scholarship, 2014-2017.

  10. Recipient of Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship from West Bengal State Government, 2012-2014.


Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune

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